Every once in a while we get something odd and different donated to our food pantry. This week it was snow shovels!
While unusual, it was definitely timely. At first I wondered if many people would need them, especially those living in apartments. And then I remembered my own apartment days when the snow plow would block my car in and make me wonder how I would ever get my car out in time to make it to work. So, I said yes to the offer. I was glad I did. Many of our clients at the moment are recent immigrants who have never experienced snow. At the end of the night we only had a few left. So, lesson learned. If you have something our food pantry could use, just ask. We almost always have someone who needs what you have. I tell you about another story next time. Let's hope we don't need those shovels any time soon, and when we do, that it's the light and fluffy version! Joy